Increase Pageviews on Your Blog by Improving Your Blog’s Navigation

One of the things most new bloggers ask me is “How Can I Increase Pageviews?” There are several ways you can do this, but one of the absolute best ways is to improve your blog’s navigation. In this blog post, I’m going to discuss different methods you can try to make it easier for your […]

How to Prevent Malware from Infecting Your WordPress Blog

Your blog is vulnerable to WordPress malware and cyber attacks. Cyber attacks are a fact of life for this generation. We will all be affected by malware at some point in our lives. The truth is that cybercriminals are getting smarter and savvier from year-to-year. In the past decade, we have seen major data breaches […]

How to Create a Content Strategy for Your Blog Using an Editorial Calendar

Blogging can be a lucrative career or a great way to earn a second income. However, most bloggers don’t make money off their blogs, despite their best efforts. Creating a content strategy and using an editorial calendar for your content can change that. Most bloggers simply aren’t consistent with their content. This means that your […]

How to Come Up with Great Blog Post Ideas for Beginners

When I created my first blog, I remember sitting down and staring blankly at my computer screen. Ok, I have a blog, now what? The truth is that coming up with blog post ideas for beginners is challenging. What can you write that hasn’t been written? Why would someone read your blog posts over others? *This post […]

How to Use WordPress Categories and Tags to Increase Your Blog’s Engagement

WordPress categories and tags help you organize your content for your audience. Understanding what they are and how to use them effectively will increase audience engagement and pageviews for your blog. Imagine that you are reading a blog post on a new blog you just discovered and you love it! After you finish the post, […]

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